Lead the change today and reap the rewards tomorrow

Written by
David Wahlbeck
Reading time
2 min

Companies that embrace the new EU legislation on information security and sustainability can get a head start. But many companies get bogged down in complex investigations and delayed projects. A proactive start will not only reduce costs and ensure compliance, but will allow you to prepare for the future. So says David Wahlbeck, CPO at Stratsys, in his article on keeping the momentum of the change journey.

"The winner takes it all..."

As a business, you have a lot to gain from embracing change. The latest example is the new EU legislation linked to information security and sustainability.

However, for many companies, the transition has been both somewhat tentative and reluctant. The consequences of this can be more costly than many may realize. These can come in the form of external consultants, delays and, in the worst case, fines. Not to mention the potential impact on competitiveness in the longer term.

Legislation to Watch Out For

  • Information Security (DORA and NIS2). DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) and NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive) impose high demands on financial and critical infrastructure organizations. Shortcomings can make the organization vulnerable to cyberattacks, which could also lead to loss of trust and financial sanctions. 
  • Sustainability (CSRD). The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on their sustainability performance. Waiting until the last minute can make it difficult to meet the requirements, damage the brand, and weaken the company’s market position. 
  • Occupational Health and Safety Legislation. Employers are required to conduct systematic work environment efforts. The alternative is that employees suffer harm, and the organization faces inspections, fines, and, in the worst case, legal consequences.

Common pitfalls in change management

So why do many businesses take so long to respond to new legislation? In many cases, it is not due to a lack of knowledge. A common reason is that the process is unnecessarily complicated. Extensive investigations, consultants who delay, too much focus on detail too early in the process... These are all things that complicate the work more than necessary.

The need for system support is often identified too late. Instead of starting from the system's prerequisites and adapting the process accordingly, the opposite happens.

Another consequence is that the need for system support is identified too late in the process. Instead of starting from the system's prerequisites and adapting the process accordingly, the opposite happens. The result is expensive adaptations and a cumbersome change process. Ultimately, the risk is that projects are rushed through, with an inefficient end product that in many cases does not fully comply with legal requirements.

David (1)
David Wahlbeck, CPO at Stratsys

Enjoy the hammock - but tomorrow

As you can probably already guess, there is a simple and obvious recipe for expensive, delayed and inadequate implementations. The answer, of course, is proactivity. Sure, it's okay to take it easy, but it's best to save the hammock until everything is in place. Don't wait until five to twelve, but get started with the transition right away.

An early start gives you an opportunity to incorporate the system support properly - in synergy with the development of new processes. In other words, ensure a harmonious transition where all parts work together effectively, instead of being forced into an already delayed plan.

Benefits of Acting in Time

  • Reduced costs by avoiding rushed projects and unnecessary consulting hours.
  • The opportunity to ensure compliance with legal requirements, thereby avoiding fines and other sanctions.
  • A sustainable and efficient working method that not only meets today’s requirements but also prepares you to tackle future challenges.

Keep the pace of the change journey

Like most things in this world, a successful and effective transition is not really that complicated. Nevertheless, changing your approach can have huge consequences - in terms of fewer consulting hours, less rushed projects and the chance to avoid hefty fines and sanctions. Above all, you give yourself the chance to be ready for the challenges of the future.

So my message to you is: lead the change today and reap the rewards tomorrow.