Stratsys sustainability mission
We want to leave the world in a better state than we found it. That's why we strive at Stratsys to always work as sustainably as possible. Based on the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, we have prioritized six goals that we work towards to contribute to a better future.

Prioritised goals
Based on our double materiality analysis, Stratsys has prioritized 3 areas that we have also linked to goals within the framework of Agenda 2030. These objectives are - Responsible consumption and production, Climate action, Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth, and Partnerships for the goals. Our goal is to clearly contribute to a better tomorrow.

How we work with prioritised goals
Goal 5 - Gender equality
Gender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable and peaceful development. It is achieved when women, men, girls and boys have equal rights, conditions and opportunities, and the power to shape their own lives and contribute to the development of society.
Stratsys works actively to be an equal workplace where everyone has the same opportunities regardless of gender or background.
Goal 8- Decent work & economic growth
Decent working conditions promote sustainable economic growth and are a positive force for the entire planet. Stratsys is a safe workplace where every employee can develop and contribute to our growth journey. As a workplace, our teams and us as individuals are equally important components for continued growth.
Goal 12 - Responsible consumption & production
Achieving sustainable development requires reduced ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources. As a systems provider, our computers and servers are our main tools in the production of our services. For us, it is important that we have a smart, circular and sustainable thinking about our server operation and our electronic products.
Goal 13 - Climate action
Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization. Stratsy's biggest climate impact is through our business travel, energy consumption, server operation and the purchase of electronic products. We put a lot of effort into reducing our business travel and running more projects, meetings and trainings digitally.
Goal 17- Partnerships
The world today is more interconnected than ever before and the implementation of the goals requires global solidarity, capacity development and the mobilization of financial resources. We wish to drive this work together with our partners, suppliers and customers and thus contribute to a sustainable chain throughout our business.
How can you work with your sustainable development?
Find out more on how we can help you to achieve continous improvements with your sustainability work and development. Contact an expert and we will get in touch!

Read more in our Knowledge hub

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