Meeting the requirements of the GHG Protocol

Do you keep track of your greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact? Climate calculations have been in focus for many companies for a while now and more and more are now required to be able to account for and report greenhouse gas emissions linked to the business. Stratsys offers a user-friendly system support for reporting according to scope 1, 2 and 3.

What is the GHG Protocol?

The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) is a standardized framework for quantifying and managing greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of the framework is to raise awareness among companies about their climate impact and where emissions occur. Through the collection of activity data and calculations, it provides insights into emissions in different parts of the value chain. This provides a good basis for actively working on measures to reduce climate impact.

  • Identify activities that generate emissions and start measuring
  • Calculate and report emissions from your operations
  • Reduce the climate impact of your operations


How Stratsys helps you with GHG reporting

Simplifying the reporting of scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions

Do you know how to report scope 1, 2 and 3? To facilitate the reporting of climate impact, emissions are divided into three categories. With Stratsys, you can easily report according to the framework, by calculating emissions from activity data and selecting the correct scope for summation.


Link your activity data with relevant emission factors

By linking your activity data with relevant emission factors, emissions can be calculated. With Stratsys' CSRD sustainability management product, you get access to our emission factor scalalog that contains a variety of factors from open sources for calculating carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, CO2e. You can also easily add your own emission factors.


Analyze the sources of climate emissions and identify measures

Climate assessments are a prerequisite for identifying where to focus actions to reduce climate impact. With the help of Stratsys, you can easily analyze where the major emissions occur both in relation to different emission categories and different parts of the business, for example how it looks for different offices or business areas. This simplifies your work and helps you identify actions to work on.

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Get support for effective sustainability work

Visualization of GHG

Visualize the climate calculations activity by activity or scope by scope. In Stratsys you get a clear overview of how your climate impact looks over time.

Key figures bank

In our product, a variety of ready-made key figures for collecting activity data and calculating emissions are ready to use.

Link to CSRD and ESRS disclosure requirements

The GHG Protocol is a requirement of the CSRD and our product provides you with the overview you need to meet the requirements for your sustainability reporting.

Discover more benefits of Stratsys sustainability product

With Stratsys, you can easily gather the work around regulatory requirements in one platform and at the same time engage the entire organization in the sustainability work.

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