Meet upcoming requirements in CSDDD

The CSDDD has been voted through by EU member states and companies need to prepare for the upcoming law now. Discover how Stratsys' sustainability management system can support the due diligence process.

What does the CSDDD mean?

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD ) aims to ensure that companies take responsibility for the environment and human rights, not only in their own operations but also in the value chain. It is about making risk-based due diligence part of company processes. The directive is aimed at larger companies, but smaller companies will also be affected as they are part of the supply chains of larger companies.

  • Based on the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines
  • Addresses corporate responsibility for supply chains
  • Implementation of the directive will be gradual

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How Stratsys can help you with CSDDD

Get an overview of how your work aligns with guidelines and requirements

Due Diligence is the process companies use to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address negative impacts on the environment and people associated with their business activities. In Stratsys, you work to review how your work aligns with these guidelines and requirements.

due diligence

Work in a structured way to identify and assess risks

Create an effective way of working to identify, assess and manage risks related to human rights and the environment. Stratsys provides support for identifying and assessing negative impacts in a structured way, taking action and following up the effects of the measures. With the help of this and the overview in the system, good opportunities are provided to work proactively.


Get support for effective sustainability work

Overview of the current situation

Create an overview of the current situation to see how your company meets the due diligence guidelines and where your human rights risks are.

Create activities

Work systematically with improvement by creating time-bound activities and measures that are also advantageously specified with expected outcomes.

Follow up the impact of the activity

In the same way that activities are created, they can also be followed up and evaluated by answering what impact the activity has had.

Allocation of responsibilities

Distribute tasks such as data collection, action proposals and follow-up in the form of comments to different people in a simple way.

Frequently asked questions and answers

What is CSDDD?

The CSDDD is an acronym for the Corporate Sustainability DueDiligence Directiveand aims to require companies to identify and mitigate environmental and social impacts in their supply chains. The background to the proposal is a desire for organizations to take greater responsibility for how their activities affect society and the environment. The EU proposal aims to complement the CSRD.

The CSDDD mandates companies to establish a due diligence policy where companies will:

  • Identify, assess and prioritize negative impacts.
  • Address and mitigate such impacts.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to mitigate impacts.
  • Establish a grievance mechanism and monitor its effectiveness at least every 12 months and when significant changes or new risks have emerged.
  • Companies must also publish an annual report on their due diligence issues, unless included in the CSRD reporting.

Who is covered by the CSDDD?

The proposal voted by EU countries targets very large companies, but smaller companies will also be affected as they are part of the supply chains of larger companies. The directive will be implemented in stages: first companies with over 5 000 employees and revenues of over €1.5 billion, then 3 000 employees and revenues of over €900 million, and after that 1 000 employees and revenues of over €450 million.

When does the CSDDD apply?

The proposal voted by EU countries has a gradual applicability. Depending on the timing of the transposition of the EU directive into national law, it may change, but it is likely that the first companies will be affected in 2027.

Discover more benefits of Stratsys CSRD sustainability management

With Stratsys, you can easily gather the work around regulatory requirements in one platform and at the same time engage the entire organization in the sustainability work.

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