Supplier due diligence

Assess and manage risks in your supply chains

Evaluate your business partners' sustainability performance using Stratsys. We offer a user-friendly tool for the due diligence process that helps you effectively identify and manage risks in your supply chain.

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Adapting to your business

Every organization is different and has different ambitions when it comes to sustainability. That's why we adapt the tool to your processes and tailor self-assessment forms, risk analyses and checklists to your needs and preferences.

Effective supplier evaluation

Assess sustainability risks based on legislation, international conventions and declarations covering all areas of sustainability: environment, labor, human rights, anti-corruption and governance.

Awareness of risks

Conduct risk analyses, checks and self-assessments of suppliers during ongoing evaluation or new business relationships - including procurement. Gain a good overview and insight into potential and actual risks and measures to manage them.

How you can work in Stratsys


Verification and screening

Verify your suppliers in over 100 jurisdictions directly in the system to check that the company exists and is active, and that they are not on any warning, sanction or PEP lists.


Risk analysis

Identify where the highest risks are in your value chain so you can focus your resources where they are needed most. We build tailor-made risk analyses to suit each business. Examples of what is included in a risk analysis are country and industry risks.



Evaluate suppliers with potential and actual risks in all sustainability areas through tailored self-assessment forms. These allow for effective communication with business partners and collection of necessary information.

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Non-conformity management

Effectively manage identified risks and negative impacts and engage with suppliers on non-conformity management directly in the system.

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Key figures & statistics

Filter information and build reports to work on performance management and monitoring, and to work strategically with the data collected from the supply chain.

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Audit support

With all data collected, transparent and traceable in a single system, your complete documentation is easily accessible in case of audits.


Mapping the value chain

Map and visualize your multi-level supply chains. Identify and collect information on your suppliers' subcontractors.

Further deepening sustainability work through the value chain

Site visits

Using our Site Visit add-on, you can collect information on your business partners' sustainability performance when you visit them or conduct inspections. Using our app, you get an easy-to-use protocol for the user to fill in on their mobile phone. The protocols are tailored to suit your needs.

  • Automatic assessment of inspections
  • Offline support with sync to Stratsys
  • Support for photo, noise measurement and more
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More features for successful work

Process and workflow support

Know what you need to do by working from the predefined steps to be included in your due diligence process. The workflow is built dynamically and automatically adjusts which steps to include in the process at different identified risk levels. In addition, you get a smooth overview of the final assessment of all or individual suppliers.

Analysis and reports

Receive support in analyzing and creating reports for single supplier/category monitoring, issues and topics, the due diligence process, as well as for the reporting requirements of the CSRD, Transparency Act and CSDDD.

Integration with warning and sanction lists

Conduct supplier screening against all major warning and sanction lists, as well as several national sanction lists and PEP lists.

Follow-up and reminder management

Reminder functions in the system help you keep track of all the steps in the process so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Objective and automatic assessment of SAQs

The self-assessment forms are designed with multiple choice questions. This helps you to get the most relevant and necessary information and the system generates an automatic assessment of the supplier's risk level.

Risk analysis

Analyze sectoral risks based on the EU's industrial classification system (NACE), both at an overall level and based on specific sub-risks such as corruption, social issues, environment and climate.

Stratsys AI

Stratsys AI helps you generate suggestions for action, furtherstreamlining your processes.

Guidance and advice

To complement our sustainability product, we offer, in cooperation with our partners, advice to those who want to achieve real improvement and results.


Want to know more about how Stratsys can help you?

Book a free demo and we'll be in touch for an informal meeting.


Discover more benefits of the Stratsys platform

With Stratsys, you can bring all your business-critical processes together in one place. From sustainability, risk management, quality management and much more.

  • Work on regulatory compliance in several key areas
  • Increase productivity across your organization
  • Start with one area and scale up use as needed
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Want to know more? Book your free demo today.