Strengthen your internal control environment with Stratsys

Ensure your organization achieves its goals efficiently and reliably, while complying with applicable laws, regulations and standards. With Stratsys, you can protect your assets, promote reliable financial reporting and streamline your processes.

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Working proactively

"Build out" risks by adapting your work practices with the support of Stratsys. This will enable you to become a proactive, resilient organization where you don't spend unnecessary time putting out fires.

Working systematically and consistently

Maximize efficiency by seamlessly integrating work across your organization. With Stratsys as support, you get a uniform way of working and structure in the processes.

Communicating effectively

Ensure that the right information reaches the right person at the right time through a simple way of communicating at all levels, and within all dimensions of the organization.

Overview of process-related risks and control activities

  • Work on the basis of a structured flow that meets the different needs of the first and second line of defense.
  • The flow is fully adapted to their specific complexity levels.
  • Ensure compliance with organizational objectives and policies.
  • Implement appropriate controls to proactively minimize the risks of losses, errors and irregularities.
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Strengthen the internal control environment

  • Review and reinforce your organization's culture and values to ensure a robust internal control environment.
  • Conduct continuous self-assessment to monitor your risk management efforts.
  • Identify and address gaps to improve risk management capabilities.

Test and verify

Get a verified and observed reality and create a security and confidence in how the business is conducted.

  • Conduct spot checks to verify that specific areas of concern are being adequately addressed.
  • Ensure that controls are in place and have the desired effect.
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More features for successful risk management

Continuous risk monitoring

Monitor, evaluate and manage risks continuously to ensure that changes in your risk environment are taken into account.

AI-generated proposals

Streamline your work with AI-generated suggestions for control activities and control tests with a justification of why these suggestions can help you.

Audit trail

Follow the history of each risk to easily track how it evolved and changed over time - and know exactly who changed what and when.

Allocation of responsibilities

By creating and assigning responsibility for each risk, control and action, you ensure that there is always a responsible person so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Corrective measures

Address gaps or inefficiencies in your risk management and continuously improve your ability to manage risks.

Gantt chart

Collect your activities in a GANTT chart andget a clear picture of your actions.

Explore the product Risk & Control

Working systematically with internal control is a fundamental part of Stratsys' comprehensive Risk & Control product . Explore more possibilities with the product to help you succeed in risk management.


Book a demo of Risk & Control

Get in touch with us today and we will contact you for more information and a review of the product.
