Streamline your compliance with laws and standards

As new laws and regulations emerge, you need clear support to implement the requirements and ensure compliance in your organization over time. Discover how Stratsys can help you.

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Get a grip on your requirements

Get an overview of your legal requirements and the standards you want to comply with.

Increasing resilience

Gather your insights into a system where you can effectively identify strengths and weaknesses to make faster decisions on strategies that increase your resilience.

Working systematically and consistently

Maximize efficiency by seamlessly integrating work across your organization. With Stratsys as support, you get a uniform way of working and structure in the processes.

Understand your current situation

  • Use Stratsys to analyze and visualize your current situation, conditions and goals.
  • Evaluate what is already in place and create measures to achieve the desired situation.
  • Ensure transparency by documenting the requirements you work with to achieve good information security.
  • Follow the development over time and communicate and anchor the work with stakeholders.

Document and operationalize the requirements

  • Implement policies, procedures and processes to integrate the requirements into the daily operations of the organization.
  • Ensure compliance by implementing appropriate controls in and through your organization.
  • Follow up and demonstrate your commitments and provide an overview of how you manage and protect information in your organization.
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Test and verify the implementation

  • Conduct site visits to verify that the implementation is proceeding according to plan.
  • Find out if the security controls are in place and if they are having the desired effect.
  • Thisway you get a verified and observed reality that increases security and confidence in how the business is run.
Group 7934-1

Features that make risk management successful

Continuous analysis of the current situation

Ensure compliance over time through regular audits and assessments to check that the right and relevant things are always in place organizationally, process and technology-wise.

AI-generated proposals

Further streamline your work with AI-generated suggestions for control activities and control tests and a justification of why these suggestions help you achieve the desired effect.

Allocation of responsibilities

By creating and assigning responsibility for each risk and action, you ensure that there is always a responsible person so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Audit trail

Follow the history of each risk to easily track how it evolved and changed over time - and know exactly who changed what and when.

Corrective measures

Address gaps or inefficiencies in your risk management and continuously improve your ability to manage risks.

Explore the product Information Security & Data Protection

With Stratsys, you can drive a systematic and proactive approach to information security and data protection, based on leading standards, where the entire organization works together to protect your information.

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Discover a smarter way to work with information security and data protection
