How to choose an effective system support for CSRD

Written by
Maria Svanberg
Reading time
4 min

With a flexible tool that supports your processes from start to finish, you get the best conditions for success in your sustainability work. What features are necessary to streamline CSRD reporting? Which issues are most important in the procurement process? And what are the common pitfalls?

System support for CSRD - from strategy to reporting in one platform

By leveraging a CSRD system support and your organization's overall sustainability efforts, your company will save time and increase the precision of its work to be prepared for future demands and expectations. With a sophisticated tool, you can create a structured strategy and systematically manage data in multiple ways, while facilitating communication and reporting of your sustainability efforts.


The features the tool must have

There are big differences between different sustainability support systems. Some focus solely on data collection, such as energy consumption metrics or climate calculations. But to succeed in CSRD, it is important that the system in question can handle the whole picture - from data collection to analysis and reporting. Many organizations, especially the more mature ones, often have challenges with data collection from the start and may therefore prioritize this first when looking for a system.

- It's easy to focus solely on collecting data, but remember that the data is there to be used strategically to drive concrete improvements. Plan from the start how your data will be integrated into the organization's goals and action plans, to get a control all the way, says Cecilia Almér, sustainability expert at Stratsys.

Cecilia_Almer_Stratsys (1)
Cecilia Almér, Sustainability Expert at Stratsys

Support for dual materiality assessment

A key feature in the choice of system support is how the system offers support for the double materiality assessment. With a tool that structures that process and the linkage of what the company should report on, and how this relates to the company's strategy, policies, goals and key performance indicators, the work is greatly simplified. An effective reporting function that compiles all this information at the end of the process is also crucial.

Tools for your strategic work

Another important function of a system support is how it facilitates your strategic work and streamlines your processes. It should be able to help you with everything from identifying risks and collecting data, to tracking sustainability performance to provide insights to support decision-making. With methods for effective accountability and structured workflow, it will be easier to divide work between companies or departments and aggregate information from all sides, all in the same platform. At the same time, the system should also be user-friendly and easy to get started for all employees.

Flexibility and room for development and updating

Perhaps the most important thing to have a reliable system support in your sustainability work is that it must never stagnate or limit the work. It must be flexible and scalable according to your needs and conditions, and continuously develop and update in line with new and upcoming legal requirements and frameworks. All so that you can grow and ensure compliance, without the system necessarily having to cost more to, for example, increase the number of measurement points or monitoring units. For those companies that want to further customize and tailor their system support, the right integration options are also important.

5 questions to ask suppliers in procurement

1. What laws and frameworks does the tool support?
You need to ensure that your system complies with the applicable legal requirements and frameworks that shape sustainability work - and that there are built-in functions that support your way of working.

2. What is the security mindset?
All systems require a level of information security that ensures all data is protected. Make sure the provider has control over where the information is stored, who owns it and how integrations with other systems work. In an increasingly competitive market, there are more new tools that lack adequate control over the security of the product.

3. What are the possibilities for updating?
Not only does the tool need to be able to support current laws - it also needs to be able to be quickly updated and developed in accordance with new requirements and changes in the outside world. Ask what the procedures look like to ensure the organization's adaptability to future sustainability work.

4. What support and assistance do we have access to?
Having an accessible supplier who can provide good support and technical consultation when you need it is a prerequisite for success. At the same time, having support built directly into the system itself is valuable. Double check if you can get access to test demos and what built-in sample content you get with the product.

5. What is your knowledge of sustainability?
Don't forget to make sure that the supplier actually knows what they are talking about when it comes to the core issue - how you can streamline your sustainability work. Delivering a system for CSRD requires an understanding of the subject in question, not least so that you can discuss your needs more easily. This assumes that there is knowledge internally - so make sure you have experts involved in the procurement process who understand your business needs and what is required for the system to meet these, says Cecilia Almér.

Common challenges when choosing a system

A common mistake many companies make is to look for a system that can handle everything at the specialist level. However, the reality is different, and it becomes clear how different organizations' needs differ. Prioritize what is most important to you, and then communicate both a list of requirements and a wish list to potential suppliers. One of the most common needs is that all the information requirements included in the EU directive should be integrated directly into the system to facilitate the work.


At the same time, Cecilia emphasizes, it is important not to focus only on what is required here and now - but also to look ahead:

- What do I think my organization will look like in 1-2 years - and how can the system meet my needs then? Maybe the company will expand, open a new office, acquire more companies or need to increase the number of measurement points. Make sure you make your ambitions and future prospects clear to the supplier, both to see how the system can meet them and how the price is affected.

Do you want to know more about the benefits of the Stratsys sustainability management system and how it can streamline your CSRD efforts? Contact us and we will be happy to tell you more and offer a demo!