The future of sustainability: why you should invest in a digital tool today

Written by
Maria Svanberg
Reading time
2 min

Today, sustainability is a central part of companies' and organizations' operations. To successfully manage and improve their sustainability performance, more and more organizations are choosing to invest in digital tools. Here we list three strong reasons why it is crucial to implement a sustainability management tool today.

1. Future-proofing the business

Businesses are increasingly being asked to address sustainability issues. Stakeholders, such as customers, investors and society at large, expect companies and organizations to take responsibility for reducing their environmental impact, promoting social justice and operating in an ethical and sustainable manner.  
By investing in a sustainability management tool, organizations can ensure that they are equipped for future demands and that they can demonstrate their commitment in a structured and credible way. 

Management of sustainability risks

 A sustainability management tool can help businesses identify and manage potential sustainability risks that could affect their future. By analyzing and preventing risks, the business can minimize negative consequences and create a more stable and sustainable business model.

Competitive advantages

By actively working with sustainability issues and communicating their progress, organizations can build a positive and credible image. A sustainability management tool facilitates data collection and reporting, allowing organizations to transparently showcase their sustainability performance.


2. Effective management of sustainability data

Developing and implementing a successful sustainability strategy requires systematic management of sustainability data. A sustainability management tool facilitates this by providing a structured and efficient platform for collecting, analyzing and reporting sustainability data. It enables informed decisions to be made and progress to be monitored more easily. 

Centralized storage and access

By using a digital tool, sustainability data can be stored on a central platform. It allows for easy access and sharing of data within the organization, promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Visualization and reporting

A digital tool can generate visual reports and graphs that clearly present sustainability data. This makes it easier for users to understand and communicate the results to stakeholders and decision-makers in a compelling way.

3. Compliance with sustainability regulations

In order to meet upcoming legal requirements and avoid unnecessary stress and resource consumption, it is beneficial to have a strategic sustainability tool in place. CSRD/ESRS are examples of legal requirements that will demand more from strategic sustainability work. By acting proactively and implementing a tool in advance, organizations can be ready to meet the upcoming requirements smoothly and efficiently.

Support for relevant frameworks

Having a clear structure with frameworks directly in the tool makes it easier to get started with sustainability work and the organization can focus on working towards its sustainability goals. A tool can also create good conditions for ensuring legal compliance, which helps to create security in the operations.

Support for climate calculations facilitating traceability 

A digital tool can facilitate the management of climate projections. By entering relevant data and using emission factors in the tool, businesses can get a clear picture of their emissions and climate impact. A tool should also simplify the traceability of the calculations.

Want to know more about how Stratsys can help you with your sustainability work? Read more here about the product CSRD sustainability management or contact us directly.