Construction and property industry - Meet Stratsys

Stratsys helps companies within the construction, contracting and real estate industry to face and handle an ever-changing world with the right tools that measure progress and outcomes in real time.


This is how Stratsys helps organisations within the construction and property business

In the construction, contracting and real estate industry, digitalisation, agile management and sustainable business models are high on the agenda. To succeed, you need good support systems that helps you optimise your processes and creates a sustainable planning.

Stratsys offers smart digital products that help you with:

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Four reasons to choose Stratsys

Integrated tools

Stratsys' integrated and collaborative tools are all gathered within the same platform. The products work in combination but can also be used separately - completely adapted and adjusted to your needs.

Keep up to date with legal requirements

Take control of your reporting. In Stratsys, you can easily follow up your frameworks and certification requirements that affect companies within the construction and property industry.

Easier administration

By digitizing your processes with Stratsys, the administration becomes much easier to handle for your organisation.

Available customer service

Stratsys is a Swedish company with a Swedish support team and you can rest assured knowing that we are available during office hours to assist you with any questions related to our platform.

Some of our happy customers


Would you like to find out more about how Stratsys can help?

We have great experience in helping customers within the construction and property industry. Get in touch with us today to get started!
