With the aim of taking their sustainability work to the next level and being able to meet future legal requirements in the area, Wästbygg Gruppen chose the Stratsys platform. Here, John Nyberg, Sustainability Manager at Wästbygg Gruppen, tells us why he chose Stratsys and what strengths he sees with the platform.
The construction and project development company Wästbygg Gruppen operates in expansive markets, mainly in Sweden but also in the other Nordic countries. In 2022, the company had a turnover of SEK 5.8 billion and 600 employees. This makes Wästbygg Gruppen not only a significant player in the construction industry, but also one of the companies that will be subject to the EU's expanded reporting requirements from the financial year 2024. This means an extended sustainability report and stricter requirements in the CSRD directive. Wästbygg Gruppen needed help to meet the upcoming requirements and take a holistic approach to sustainability work.
Valuable help to meet upcoming legal requirements
- We see great potential in Stratsys and the upcoming legislation on sustainability reporting. Stratsys will help us to create structure and efficiency in our work, and we gain knowledge about CSRD by working on the platform," says John.
"We see great potential in Stratsys and the upcoming legislation on sustainability reporting."
In addition to working with legal requirements such as CSRD, John sees a number of other opportunities with the Stratsys sustainability product:
- In the short term, we will be able to save time and resources, and meet the new legal requirements that come with CSRD. In the long term, we see that we can become more efficient in our sustainability work, such as using the platform to spread knowledge, highlight good examples and see where the areas for improvement lie.
The collaboration will begin with the implementation of Stratsys' sustainability management platform and support functionality for the EU taxonomy via Stratsys' partner Celsia. John also sees other benefits of the holistic approach, as well as the Stratsys way of working:
- It is a strength that there is a whole with CSRD as well as taxonomy and carbon accounting. In addition, Stratsys offers a competent and service-oriented sales organization, a trustworthy work with safety, quality issues and a well-structured onboarding process.
John Nyberg, Sustainability Manager at Wästbygg Gruppen
A cross-fertilization between risk and sustainability work
Wästbygg Gruppen will use Stratsys' sustainability product to manage both data collection and the strategic aspect of CSRD reporting. John highlights the benefits of having a single platform for sustainability data, such as the fact that they will soon be able to better visualize and manage progress towards their sustainability goals. In addition, they will also be able to share information more easily with customers, investors, and other stakeholders who request sustainability data.
The idea is to use the Stratsys platform for other business processes such as strategic planning, risk and control.
- We see good opportunities to cross-pollinate sustainability work with risk work in the future, as we will also be working with the Stratsys risk platform. In addition, the business planning platform creates a generally more effective governance in the business, says John.
"We see good opportunities to cross-pollinate sustainability work with risk work in the future because we will also work with Stratsy's risk platform."
Want to know more about how Stratsys can help you with your sustainability work? Read more here about our Sustainability Management product, or contact us directly and we will be happy to tell you more.