Minimized risk of miscalculations, a comprehensive view of sustainability work and less individual dependence are some of the effects that Balco has seen after implementing Stratsys. Here Kerstin Hessmann and Henrik Nilsson at Balco tell us how they work with the Stratsys sustainability product and what their ambitions are for the system going forward.
The background
Balco is a Swedish company that develops, manufactures and installs balcony systems and glazing. The company is based in Växjö with subsidiaries in Denmark, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands and England. Their goal is to deliver climate-smart products with minimal climate impact and to be an industry leader in environmental work.
Before implementing Stratsys, Balco mainly managed its sustainability work in Excel. The goal of Stratsys is to get a comprehensive overview of sustainability work and for the entire group to be able to report in the same way.
- When we worked with Excel, there was no possibility to get consolidated calculations. In Stratsys, we have support by being able to use emission factors, as well as being able to consolidate the sustainability figures, Kerstin begins. "Now we can easily get all the data and compare it with previous periods, which gives us much more confidence in our reporting.
Less individual dependence and better overview of sustainability data
- "With Stratsys, we have integrated the entire group into the same system, which is a huge advantage," Henrik continues. "Before, we were largely dependent on individuals, and if someone happened to get a formula wrong, it could lead to miscalculations. Now we have the opportunity to spread the work among more people and have support for calculations in the system.
In the future, Balco hopes to include more key figures in Stratsys and link it to action plans to gather all sustainability work in the system. "In order for the group management to be able to aggregate what is happening in all companies and make decisions in the best interests of the group," explains Henrik.
- "Another advantage is that we can see historical data and compare between companies. We know that we can trust the data we get out and can feel confident that what we report on is the truth we want to give, Henrik concludes.