Sustainability work at Stratsys

Towards a more sustainable world

At Stratsys, we engage in important social and environemental issues where we together can make a change and create a difference. We are convinced that our sustainbility work is a win-win for everyone involved and we hope to inspire more people to take the next step.


Reduced environmental impact and a better integration

At Stratsys we work systematically and goal-oriented with our sustainbility work. One of our many important sustainability goals is to reduce our ecological footprint, which is why we strive towards having climate-smart offices and reduced travel by running more meetings and projects digitally.

We have a great commitment to social issues and integration, where we have previously collaborated with several organizations that help people into working life with us.

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Stratsys sustainability work & prioritised goals

By publishing our own sustainability work, we hope to inspire others to work more transparently. At the same time, we also want to show that our sustainbility work is an ongoing process throughout the year. A simple and flexible way to bring our sustainbility work to life - directly inside Stratsys.

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Create engagement

We want to make it easier for our employees to get involved in everyday activities in the office that promote sustainable development. For example, through how we use our offices and resources, that we are careful with our travels and that we can engage in energizing activities together. In this way, we are more people involved in this important work. It will be a win-win for everyone!


Our Commitment to the UN Global Compact

This organization is a proud participant in the UN Global Compact, a global initiative that encourages businesses and organizations to take responsibility for their impact on people and the environment. Through our engagement in this initiative, we commit to working in accordance with the ten principles covering the areas of Human Rights, Labor Conditions, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.


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